Innovation and Research

Innovation is the active pursuit and implementation of new solutions. These can be established or novel. Research is the process of horizon scanning and investigation to further our understanding of future challenges and opportunities to deliver a net zero power system.

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The importance of Innovation and Research to EirGrid Group

EirGrid Group has a unique role to play in leading the radical transformation that is now required to achieve the 2030 'Renewable Ambition' and beyond to net zero by 2050. This world-leading ambition necessitates overcoming the natural limitations of many established technological, operational and market practices.

Success requires an accelerated understanding of the energy system over multiple time horizons and continual delivery of novel, whole-system solutions to overcome the challenges ahead. Innovation and Research positions EirGrid Group to gain further understanding into these continually evolving developments, increasing collaboration with partners to establish the novel solutions required to meet our ambition.

Innovation and Research Strategy

Given the ever-increasing importance of Innovation and Research to EirGrid Group, a refreshed Innovation and Research Strategy has been developed to help the Group realise its ambition at the heart of the energy transition.

The document envisages an enhanced innovation and research strategy that is informed, trusted, accessible and responsible. It sets out key enablers that will mature our capability including the operation of a Innovation Capability as a service and the establishment of a Research Forum.

The strategy outlines key success criteria, including the need to embrace the 'learn fast, move on' principle and the need to collaborate with a diversified network of partners to jointly enable whole-system solutions. Finally, it sets out a roadmap to realise innovation across a now, next and beyond time lens, recognising those in-flight projects and programmes that are already transitioning the electricity sector to low-carbon, renewable energy.

Annual Innovation Report

Our Annual Innovation Report lays out the innovative programmes of work being undertaken by EirGrid Group and the areas of interest for future innovation programmes. It shows:

  • What projects we have completed, and the benefits of them
  • What projects are ongoing, and the progress that has been made
  • What targets are being targeted for the future, and the potential opportunities they could bring.

Click here to access our latest, and historical Annual Innovation Reports.

Our Partners & Collaboration Opportunities

Collaboration with our partners is key to efficient research as well as identifying, trailing, and scaling innovative programmes of work. Our collaborative innovation projects are captured in the annual innovation report available here.

Whilst we continue to develop and evolve the strong relationships we have with our current partners; we are always open to building new collaborative partnerships. If you have a research proposal or an innovation initiative you would like to discuss, please contact

In 2023, we are launching an exciting new competition for university students to contribute to our work in delivering a cleaner energy future. If you a university student interested in finding out more about this competition visit our CleanerGrid competition page here.