When electricity is being transported through networks, there are losses, which mean that not all of the power is transferred. This can occurred either in Transmission or Distribution networks, although higher voltages generally reduce losses.
To ensure that the wholesale market is settled correctly, the transmission losses are allocated to generators (including generators embedded in the distribution system), using Transmission Loss Adjustment Factors (TLAFs). These are calculations of the losses and are calculated jointly by SONI and EirGrid and approved by the Regulatory Authorities (RAs) on an annual basis.
Some generators are responsible for proportionally more transmission losses than others, depending on their point of connection to the grid. For this reason, TLAFs are site specific.
At present the following parties that participate in the SEM (market participants) are subject to TLAFs: Generators connected to the transmission network; Generators connected to the distribution network; Interconnectors, and Suppliers (the Trading and Settlement Code (TSC) specifies that TLAFs for Supplier Units will be set equal to 1.0).
Further information on the TLAFs and their calculation can be found in the TLAF Methodology Explanatory Paper v1.0 published on 27 September 2012.
See SEMO website for details of the CLAFs currently applied in the market.
Below, you will find approved SONI TLAFs.
2024/25 Approved TLAFs Accompanying Note v1.0
2024-25 Approved TLAFs PDF Version
2024-25 Approved TLAFs Excel Version
2023/24 Approved TLAFs PDF Version v1.0
2023/24 Approved TLAFs Excel Version v1.0
2023-24 Approved Transmission Loss Adjustment Factors (TLAFs) Accompanying Note v1.0
2023/24 Proposed TLAFs PDF Version v3.0
2023/24 Proposed TLAFs Excel Version v3.0
2023-24 Proposed Transmission Loss Adjustment Factors (TLAFs) Accompanying Note v2.0
2023/24 Proposed TLAFs PDF Version v2.0
2023/24 Proposed TLAFs Excel Version v2.0
2023/24 Proposed TLAFs PDF Version
2023/24 Proposed TLAFs Excel Version
2023/24 Proposed TLAFs Accompanying note
2022/23 Approved TLAFs PDF Version
2022/23 Approved TLAFs Excel Version
2022/23 Approved TLAFs Accompanying note
2021/22 Approved TLAFs PDF Version
2021/22 Approved TLAFs Excel Version
2021/22 Approved TLAFs Accompanying Note
2020/21 Approved TLAFs PDF Version
2020/21 Approved TLAFs Excel Version
2020/21 Approved TLAFs Accompanying Note
2019/20 Approved TLAFs PDF Version
2019/20 Approved TLAFs Excel Version
2019/20 Approved TLAFs Accompanying Note
2018/19 Approved TLAFs PDF Version
2018/19 Approved TLAFs Excel Version
2018/19 Approved TLAFs Accompanying Note
2017/18 Approved TLAFs Accompanying Note
2017/18 Approved TLAFs Excel Version
2017/18 Approved TLAFs PDF Version
2016/17 Approved TLAFs Accompanying Note
2016/17 Approved TLAFs Excel Version
2016/17 Approved TLAFs PDF Version
2015/16, 2014/15 and 2013/14 TLAFs can be found in our Library section.