Collection Agency Income Requirement

Moyle’s transmission licence, and the direction issued under it, permit Moyle to raise revenues from sales of capacity on the Moyle interconnector. It also permits Moyle to recover the balance of its revenue requirements from payments received from SONI under the Collection Agency Agreement. SONI is obliged to enter into this agreement under Condition 37 of the System Operator licence.

The Collection Agency Income Requirement tariff (CAIRt) which SONI collects from suppliers and pay to Moyle Interconnector Limited is apportioned across the predicted units transmitted. The amount allocated per trading point will depend upon the kWh consumption in each charging period. Amounts charged to Suppliers in respect of the Collection Agency Income Requirement are separately identified in SONI invoices to suppliers. 


Final TUoS Statement of Charges 2017-18

To view previous tariff years please visit the publications centre.

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