Utility Regulator publish consultation paper on SONI’s draft Transmission Development Plan for Northern Ireland (TDPNI) 2019 – 2028

25 March 2020

The Utility Regulator for Northern Ireland has published a consultation paper on SONI’s (electricity system operator for Northern Ireland) draft Transmission Development Plan for Northern Ireland (TDPNI) 2019 to 2028.

We are committed transforming the power system for future generations and this document outlines what projects are needed over the next 10 years in order to support decarbonisation in Northern Ireland. These projects will ultimately support Northern Ireland’s future renewable energy targets, ensuring the power system is responding to the climate crisis. 

SONI is also carrying out work on Today’s Energy Scenarios Northern Ireland, which will outline number of credible pathways for Northern Ireland’s energy transition and considers the electricity system beyond the ten-year planning horizon. Following consultation, the updated Tomorrow’s Energy Scenarios will be published in Spring 2020.

The draft TDPNI 2019-2028 also assesses how we will work to ensure the electricity grid is a safe, secure and reliable by proposing a number of projects which will improve its strength and resilience.

We develop, consult upon and publish a new report each year.

SONI held a consultation on the draft TDPNI between 21 November 2019 and the 19 December 2019. We thank those who responded for taking the opportunity to shape and influence the draft TDPNI. Where necessary we have updated the report and have submitted it to the Utility Regulator for Northern Ireland along with all responses.

The Utility Regulator for Northern Ireland will now hold a consultation on the draft TDPNI until the 5th of May.

Further information can be found here.