The electricity system in Northern Ireland is undergoing a transformation as a result of the growing integration of renewable energy and the implementation of broader technological innovation. The electricity sector will play a key role in shaping a sustainable energy future for Northern Ireland. SONI is developing many of the necessary infrastructural and operational requirements to facilitate this shift. Working closely with our sister company, EirGrid (Transmission System Operator in the Republic), we are responsible for managing electricity supply and demand in real-time and controlling flows of power on the island’s transmission systems.
The integration of more variable renewable forms of generation on the power system means transmission operators must consider an additional complex range of demand and supply issues. These include the operational challenges of switching to more variable non-synchronous generation sources, security of supply in terms of managing an increasing variety of generation technology types and the integration and use of Smart Grid technologies allowing greater user participation in the power system.
Our Delivering a Secure Sustainable Electricity System (DS3) programme will help us meet the challenges of operating the electricity system in a secure manner while achieving Northern Ireland's 2020 renewable electricity target.